Health Technology Assessment in Europe, Transformation, Performance?

Conference Debate

Aim of this european meeting is to discuss the ongoing implementation and to forecast systemic consequences of the HTA Regulation (EU) 2021/2282, which will come into force on January 2025.

It will bring together in situ, leading figures from European and national HTA bodies as well as socio-economic players including European patients, physicians and entrepreneurs organizations, for direct, convivial, fruitful interactions.

Attendees are advanced students and academic researchers, national regulators, public & private decision makers operating in the fields of HTA and public governance, pharmaceutical law and regulatory affairs, market access.

This meeting is a pilot – the first of a series focusing on our Nations and Union transformations and future performance facing existential challenges … and opportunities ?

From EUnetHTA, to the Health Technology Assessment Regulation: update on implementing measures - Joint Clinical Assessment: issues, choices and methodological challenges? - National  reception of Joint Clinical Assessments: what impact on decision support? - Joint Clinical Assessments: towards renewed socio-economic interactions?

Non-hybrid event, with notably

  • Dr. Roisin ADAMS, Head, HTA Strategy and External Engagement, National Centre for PharmacoEconomics, lreland & Chair, European HTA Coordination Group (HTACG)
  • Pr. Frédérique BERROD, Vice-president, University of Strasbourg/ EUCOR
  • Dr. Paul de BOISSIEU, Drug Assessment Division, Haute Autorité de Santé, France & Chair of the Joint Clinical Assessments Subgroup, HTACG
  • Agnieszka BUELENS, Head DATAETHICS, University Medical Center Goettingen, Germany
  • Pr. Pierre COCHAT, Chairman, Transparency Committee, Haute Autorité de Santé, France
  • Pr. Filippo DRAGO, Chairman CERD, University of Catania, ltaly
  • Judith FERNANDEZ, D-Director, HTA Department in charge of international affairs, HAS, France
  • Dr. Heiner HAUG, Chairman, HTA Europe Committee Leem & Astra Zeneca, France
  • Dr. Ansgar HEBBORN, Chair, HTA Working Group, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)
  • Marie-Laure HECQUET, Policy advisor, Director Office, European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare (EDQM), Council of Europe
  • François HOUYEZ, Director ofTreatment Information and Access, EURORDIS
  • Fabienne KELLER, Member of the European Parliament & Quaestor, European Parliament
  • Pr. Francis MEGERLIN, Head, Séminaires SBD, University of Strasbourg/ EUCOR
  • Dr. Alexander NATZ, SG, European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE)
  • Dr. Leslie PIBOULEAU, Senior policy officer, DG SANTE, European Commission, Brussels
  • Dr. Pierluigi RUSSO, Executive Director, Agenzia italiana del farmaco (AIFA), ltaly
  • Pr. Rui SANTOS IVO, President of the Executive Board, National Authority of Medicines and Health Products (lnfarmed), Portugal
  • Julie SPONY, Policy Officer, European Patient Forum (EPF)
  • Dr. Michal STANAK, founding Director, National lnstitute for Value and Technologies in Health Care (NIHO), Slovakia
  • Dr. Beate WIESELER, Head, Department of drug assessment, IQWIG, Germany & Chair of the Methodological and Procedural Guidance Subgroup, HTACG
  • Anne WILLEMSEN, Senior Advisor, Dutch National Healthcare lnstitute (ZIN), The Netherlands & Co-chair, Joint Clinical Assessment Subgroup HTACG & Representative European Network for HTA


Biographies of keynote speakers & other documents will be sent to registered participants.

150 seats – non-hybrid event – no registration fees – motivated application only – full english, no translation


Application links on the european parliament platform :

 Academics  EU & State bodies  Other Players


In accordance with both HTA bodies and EP compliance rules, this conference is funded only by the university of Strasbourg, the university of Catania, and the Séminaires Strasbourg Berkeley Descartes, EU Transparency Register REG 646472092848-46.
Thanks to the staff of the School of Pharmacy Unistra, to the students from Med’Advice & CEPhI, to the journal Le Point & the European Parliament staff, for their kind support.